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The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 15: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 15: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 15: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
  • Наличие, шт.: Недоступен
  • Производитель: Aiya Kyu
  • Артикул: 7938
The long-awaited climax of the battle against the Spirit Tortoise has arrived! With Ost's guidance, Naofumi and the others have descended deep into the Spirit Tortoise's body to face off against the mastermind behind it all. But will unexpected guests interfere?
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