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The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 22: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 22: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 22: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
  • Наличие, шт.: Недоступен
  • Производитель: Aiya Kyu
  • Артикул: 7945
'I wasn't expecting you to be in cahoots with the queen, that's for sure.' Having defeated Kyo and left Kizuna and the others behind, Naofumi and his friends return to Melromarc. The Spirit Tortoise has left a deep scar on the world's nations, including their own Melromarc. Now with the objective of preparing for future struggles against the waves and the deadly Phoenix, for some reason Naofumi heads straight to the slave trader?!
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