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The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 11: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 11: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 11: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
  • Наличие, шт.: Недоступен
  • Производитель: Aiya Kyu
  • Артикул: 7934
Rishia, the Bow Hero's lowest-ranking party member, is framed and ultimately gets the boot. When Naofumi finds out, he is reminded of his own torturous past and loses it. He storms into Itsuki's room to confront the Bow Hero, but things don't quite go as expected.
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