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The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 12: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 12: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 12: The Manga Companion (EN) Paperback - Графическая новелла (Aiya Kyu)
  • Наличие, шт.: Недоступен
  • Производитель: Aiya Kyu
  • Артикул: 7935
After Rishia becomes the newest member of Naofumi s party, they set out to begin a unique type of training in hopes of growing stronger. But just as they're getting started, Naofumi receives a request from the queen - mysterious monsters have begun to appear and she wants him to take care of them!
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