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Hatsune Miku Future Delivery 2: Little Asimov and the Green Thing Left Behind (EN) Paperback - Grafiskā novele (Satoshi Oshio)

Hatsune Miku Future Delivery 2: Little Asimov and the Green Thing Left Behind (EN) Paperback - Grafiskā novele (Satoshi Oshio)
Hatsune Miku Future Delivery 2: Little Asimov and the Green Thing Left Behind (EN) Paperback - Grafiskā novele (Satoshi Oshio)
Asumi and Asimov have met the many future incarnations not only of Hatsune Miku, but Kagamine Len and Rin as well. But where is the original Miku who inspired so many others, and will finding her be the key to unlock the memories of who Asumi really is? Or has that truth been close by her all along...?
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