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Pokemon Super Card Game TCG Trading Cards - Ampharos EX Battle Deck EN - Kāršu spēle

Pokemon Super Card Game TCG Trading Cards - Ampharos EX Battle Deck EN - Kāršu spēle
Pokemon Super Card Game TCG Trading Cards - Ampharos EX Battle Deck EN - Kāršu spēle

Powerful Pokémon ex are ready to charge onto the battlefield in the Pokémon TCG: ex Battle Decks! Each 60-card deck is led by an exceptional Pokémon ex and includes everything you need to play right away. Let the battle begin!

In this box, you’ll find:

1 ready-to-play 60-card deck

3 reference cards

1 rules booklet

1 single-player playmat

1 set of damage counters

1 large metallic coin

1 deck box

1 strategy sheet

1 code card to play this deck online

Deck List

1× Lucario ex

3× Riolu

2× Oinkologne

2× Lechonk

1× Annihilape

2× Primeape

3× Mankey

1× Medicham

2× Meditite

1× Koraidon

3× Squawkabilly

1× Cyclizar


Trainer Cards

4× Nemona

4× Youngster

1× Jacq

2× Energy Retrieval

2× Nest Ball

2× Potion

2× Switch

2× Ultra Ball

1× Pokégear 3.0

18× Basic Fighting Energy


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